It's the Christmas edition! And you know what that means (not really), a bonus picture!
On the 23rd Daniel and I hauled our lazy asses to the Christmas market in town.
It was awesome. It smelled amazing from all the food carts and it was very Christmasey. Plus, we got everyone's gifts in one day. They're all wrapped and sitting in a plastic bag awaiting shipment. I'd feel bad about them being late, but I've gotten so bad at getting gifts to people that they're seriously lucky they're getting sent at all.
On Christmas Eve our tree was (almost) complete with presents under it.
We still don't have a tree topper. Eh, can't have everything.
Now, part one of Christmas! I am getting better at this whole cooking thing.
Friggin' delicious turkey. Oh my God. To be fair, Daniel helped baste it. So, basically we're awesome.
Part deux!
Traditional end to Christmas dinner: Bailey's. I got my husband - who rarely drinks - to have a glass with me. And he was totally done before me, go figure.
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