November 7th - 16th, 2011

Part one of my Chicago visit is going to be fairly brief and picture filled. And if you sniff this blog enough, you might smell Portillo's cheese fries.

Day one comes to you from a Scandinavian fighter jet. Or a commercial plane - by this time I was so looped on food deprivation/sleep deprivation that it could've been either.

I dislike coke light so much I drank it twice.

Mostly there was nothing else available, and you know how refreshing these tiny shots of pop were? Not really refreshing at all.

The 8th was filled with lots of stuff, but the end result is Christmas decorations:

My mom got me a fewChristmas themed gifts - an early Christmas present so I can enjoy them sooner. I think this one is my faaavorite.

On the 9th my dad and I saw a movie and were basically awesome.

So here we are, being awesome.

On the 10th I became a book thief.

I took my grandma's copy of this Stephanie Plum book. I'll return it...someday.

On the 11th I did an at-home pedicure that turned out not looking like total crap, so here it is.

This picture is not to imply that I didn't get nail polish all over my toes before artfully removing the excess with nail polish remover and a q-tip.

The 12th Colleen got Catholic married!!

Now she is officially church married, so we celebrated like mad fools, yo!

On the 13th, my hair got some much needed care.

I waited nine months between haircuts cause I don't trust the Germans to cut my hair. I only trust Erin, my cousin. Freal.

On the way to pick up my scissor wife on the 14th, I saw this sign.

It was a sign from the scissor god!!

On the 15th I took a picture of a cool Christmas plant I wish I could sneak back to Germany.

It's awesome, dude.

Finally, the 16th I saw Skittle...

She somehow looks completely relaxed and also evil. That's a skill.

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