September 21st - 30th, 2011

Well, at least I got in the rest of September right under the wire. It's hard to believe it's almost October. Life is crazy. German life is just isolated and crazy.

Kicking it off with the 21st of September.

When my animals aren't play-fighting they occasionally lay next to each other and pretend to be cute. Really they're monster beasts.

September 22nd:

Barnacle sneaks off to his room to sunbathe sometimes.

September 23rd:

Bootstrap decided to snuggle my stuffed elephant, and then chomp on his head.

The 24th is showcasing what a dink Bootstrap is.

I was searching and searching for this stupid cat, and I realized I hadn't checked the laundry room. So, I walked in, saw the open dryer door and I just knew. Lo and behold, there's bootstrap, snuggling our clean laundry. Dorky cat.

Just in case you weren't sick of pet pictures, the 25th is another one.

Every time I put Barnacle in his crate before leaving the house, Bootstrap races in and taunts him in his crate. He's such an a-hole.

Now, finally, a break from the damn animals. September 26th:

German crab-apples! Love fall colors.

The 27th is more fall fabulosity.

Bumblebee got a boyfriend!! Pumpkin bumblebee love is the best love, guys.

Keeping the theme going, September 28th.

Fall means candy corn, guys. Pounds and pounds of candy corn.

On the 29th, I had a smashing wake-up call.

I love getting stabbed with a needle first thing in the morning. It's awesome.

And to bookend this bitch, September 30th is more Barnacleness.

I think this is the best picture of Barnacle I've ever taken, ever.

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