It's been a busy week. I'm playing foster parent to two more pets, my sister had to go back to the states so we're watching her animals for 2 weeks - basically our pet family has doubled. It's a little crazy.
Anyway, July 31st.
Marvin felt most safe in our mixing bowl. Daniel felt it would be most safe for use if we cleaned it immediately.
August 1st, the dogs spend a lot of time stealing toys and bones and fighting.
This is a rare moment of the two not being at each others' throats.
The cats mostly just wrestle. (August 2nd)
When Marvin actually comes out, Bootstrap runs after him like a bat out of hell. Though, I have seen Marvin go after him, too. The roll around biting each other for a few seconds and then take off running. It's kind of funny.
On August 3rd, I saw the best muscle magazine, ever.
This guy is making the best. face. ever.
Daniel prefers Lily to Barnacle (August 4th).
Mostly because Lily would rather sleep than do anything else.
The reason we let her on the couch, though, is 'cause when she's around Barnacle she play-fights with him all day, and she's really. fucking. loud. We basically let her on the couch to get some quiet.
August 5th.
...That's what she said.
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