Last Post

To my faithful reader(s), thank you for reading my weird attempts at getting through the year. I think that a new year deserves a new blog, for new beginnings and all that. In case you wanted to keep up with it, here's the new link: Caitlyn's Project 366 2012. It's just a hop, skip, and a URL away from this blog.

Anyway, in case you don't want to, I'll give you the first picture of the year over here.

The adventures of Bootstrap continue! For the full story, you'll have to go to the other blog. But, you can probably guess at what happens.

December 31st, 2011

Last post of the year is a picture of me.

Here's me, drinking champagne out of a wine glass, alone at midnight.

My husband is sleeping because he's working 15/16 hour shifts right now. I did wake him up to kiss him at midnight, though, because that's how the year should start.

I'd love to impart some wisdom about 2011, but mostly is was a very up and down year. I learned some patience, some cooking skills, and a whole lot more about marriage - at least my marriage.

2011 was a crazy year, after moving across the country, I moved across an ocean. I'm learning how to live as an adult, and it's not that easy. I'm learning how to live away from my family and friends, and that's not easy. I'm learning how to share space with another human being, and that is just not easy at all, my friends.

But, I'll leave you with this for this year, mistakes are mistakes, and regrets exist no matter how many people tell you to regret nothing. I think it's ok to have regrets. Sure, everything you've done or haven't done has led you to where you are, but there are some things that lead you to a dark alley and it's up to you to find a safe neighborhood out of there. I think regrets are just mistakes you learn from. If you can look back on that one stupid thing you did and see its domino effect, chances are you won't make that mistake again. So, regret all you want, just don't let the regrets pile up and fester at your doorstep, 'cause ain't no one cleaning up that mess but you.

I can't say if 2011 is a banner year, I'll need a few more years to determine that, but a lot changed this year for me. I guess it's good to have a life that's not stagnant, but sometimes, looking on the other side of the fence, a predictable life seems preferable.

But, for now I'll just deal with the life I've been given, and be grateful for where it takes me.

This is yours truly, ending this Project 365, and looking forward to next year. I hope all of your 2012's are amazing.

December 28th - 30th, 2011

Second to last post, y'all. Not too sure I'm going to continue this blog next year, so get it while it lasts.

Anyway, the 28th is just cute.

We use the diet coke pillow to calm Bootstrap down. It's basically the only thing we can think of besides tying him to the bed like a mental patient. It worked in this instance, and he and Daniel enjoyed some snuggle time.

The 29th is a two-fer, guys.

Christmas tree graveyard, y'all. It was kinda depressing getting rid of the tree, but honestly chasing Bootstrap away from it every day is more stress than I need right now. Plus, once I start thinking something needs to get out of my house, I kinda have to get it out of my house. I start twitching, it's weird. Anyway, now Reptar is full of pine needles.

Part two is an awesome present!

The Korbels got us this awesome friggin' oil lamp. I love it. We need more decorative shiz for this house.

Finally, the 30th we got our first snow.

I didn't take any pictures of picturesque, snow-covered Germany. But, this is the view of the roof at the hotel. Having a glass ceiling makes me feel like I'm in Hogwarts sometimes, except when glops of snow gather like this.

If you didn't get that reference you should go buy some Harry Potter books, pronto.

December 26th - 27th, 2011

It's a Bootstrap-themed post, but aren't they all?

On the 26th he got into one of his... situations.

I seriously do not understand this at all. Apparently I didn't close the cabinet all the way, so to Bootstrap that means it's time to balance on the door to try to get at the plastic bags we keep in there - 'cause plastic bags are his favorite thing to play in. I do not know why he didn't just jump on the floor to get in there, but I guess if he did that he wouldn't be Bootstrap.

My cat's a friggin' freak.

Yesterday we had to take him on a little trip.

Our favorite pirate needed some shots. He jumped around the table like a freak the whole time, and made evil sounds when he got microchipped. I think a human pirate would probably do the same thing.

December 23rd - 25th, 2011

It's the Christmas edition! And you know what that means (not really), a bonus picture!

On the 23rd Daniel and I hauled our lazy asses to the Christmas market in town.

It was awesome. It smelled amazing from all the food carts and it was very Christmasey. Plus, we got everyone's gifts in one day. They're all wrapped and sitting in a plastic bag awaiting shipment. I'd feel bad about them being late, but I've gotten so bad at getting gifts to people that they're seriously lucky they're getting sent at all.

On Christmas Eve our tree was (almost) complete with presents under it.

We still don't have a tree topper. Eh, can't have everything.

Now, part one of Christmas! I am getting better at this whole cooking thing.

Friggin' delicious turkey. Oh my God. To be fair, Daniel helped baste it. So, basically we're awesome.

Part deux!

Traditional end to Christmas dinner: Bailey's. I got my husband - who rarely drinks - to have a glass with me. And he was totally done before me, go figure.

December 15th - 22nd, 2011

Well, 2011 is drawing to a close. So, it makes sense that I would slack on 365 postings, right? That's my excuse. The end of the year makes you busy, sort of.

On the 15th, Bootstrap was lazy.

He likes to sit on my lap, like that. I didn't put him that way at all. AT ALL.

On the 16th, Daniel glared at me.

Turns out he's not terribly fond of me exposing him as the crazy cat lady he is. Go figure.

On the 17th, both my animals were weirdos.

They were for real playing in there. I have no idea why. My pets are freaks.

Again, the 18th was full of freaks.

It's a blurry/crappy picture, but you get the idea, they were play-fighting.

Shit, I took a lot of animal pictures this week. Here's Bootstrap, again, on the 19th.

Yeah, he's drinking tree water. At least he's not eating off dirty plates. Oy.

Finally! A break from the pets! On the 20th I tried to earn my domesticity badge.

I made lasagna! It was pretty good, and provided lunch for my husband for a few days. Cooking for two people is tricky shiz.

I know you were missing him, so here's Bootstrap on the 21st.

We were playing fetch. He thinks he's a dog. He would bring me his rat toy after every time I threw it for him. I guess this is what happens when a kitten grows up with a freak dog.

And finally, the 22nd is something freaky.

My burns have faded into what looks like leopard spots. I'm fashionable now, guys.

December 11th - 14th, 2011

Christmas is in eleven days and I have purchased...Zero presents. So. Of course, we will start with a Christmas picture.

December 11th, 2011.

Behold, our gingerbread house - the only house in our Christmas village, population: 2 bakers.

On the 12th we got the tree done.

In the process of lighting this thing, with net lights because that's all the PX had, it fell on me three times. I literally lay underneath it, in a puddle of water from the tree stand tipping over, trying to maneuver the tree trunk so it would stay upright. The end result is we pushed it against the wall and don't touch it anymore, in hopes it will stay vertical until we throw the thing out.

I'm never getting a real tree again.

The thirteenth is more of Bootstrap being a freak.

While I was scavenging for food he hopped in. Rather than remove him right away I decided to take pictures, 'cause that's what I do.

Finally, today.

I'm sick! The doctor diagnosed me with: bronchial pneumonia, sinusitis, and laryngitis. I have my husband to thank for my range of infections, and as a bonus I got to take home half the pharmacy to treat it. Hooray germs!